Our NMI Pattern Approved Meters Let You Control, Protect and Measure
The Bermad team is proud to share our compliance with the Australian National Measurement Institute’s 10-1 pattern approval for meters used in water and irrigation.
Earlier this year, there was a change in government requirements specifying the use of certified meters for water measurement. This change in legislation means that the government is committed to implementing a new robust metering framework—which includes compliance with the NMI (National Measurement Institute) standards.
“The National Measurement Institute is Australia’s peak measurement body responsible for biological, chemical, legal, physical and trade measurement. The purpose of the standard is to ensure that the pricing and distribution of goods are based on the highest levels of precision and product integrity.”
National Measurement Institute, 2018
The action plan came into effect on the 1st of December 2018, and details on the Water Reform Action Plan can be seen on NSW’s government website.
The goals of the water reform include:
- Introduce best practice for water management.
- Ensure transparency in how we share, allocate and manage water.
- Build a compliance and enforcement regime that ensures strong and certain regulation.
- Build capability to support implementation of water reforms.
WaterNSW, 2018.
We are the only organisation in the country that currently hold the pattern approval for a mechanical water meter. Some of the stipulations for the new reform under Schedule 8 Metering Equipment include:
- Metering equipment must be installed, or re-installed, in accordance with AS4747 by a duly qualified person.
- Metering equipment must be installed or re-installed so that it measures the flow of all water taken through the work.
- Metering equipment must be maintained in accordance with a maintenance protocol approved by the Minister and published on the Department’s website.
Alongside these regulations regarding the installation and maintenance of meters, the meter must be pattern approved under the National Measurement Regulations, which include:
- Metering equipment must have a data logging capacity that enables it to collect, record and store the following data electronically:
(a) the flow rate and cumulative volume (the water take data),
(b) the water take data at intervals of 1 hour, including the time and date of the interval and the period or periods for which water was taken. - The metering equipment must retain the water take data for a period of no less than 12 months.
- Through a rigorous process, we have received certifications for both our Euromag Magflow Meter and WP Dynamic Meter for water and irrigation applications.
Certified products
WP Dynamic Turbine Water Meter
- Compact installation requiring three upstream diameters and zero downstream.
- Available with dual pulse outputs or opto-electronic sensors.
- Suitable for measurement of high or constant flow rates.
- Patented symmetrical calibration adjustment.
- Register may be rotated through 360°.
- Powder coating affords corrosion protection.
- Not affected by external magnetic fields.
Euromag Magnetic Flow Meter
- Available as battery, solar, low/high voltage power supply.
- Available contact mounted or remote mounted sensor.
- Inbuilt data logger standard on all models.
- Ebonite liner or Teflon for fertigation applications.
- Hastelloy sensors standard in the meter.
- Optional pressure sensor as well as flow reading.
- Suitable for all forms of communication with pulse output, analogue, Modbus or optical 3G.
- Fully potted internals to protect coils against vibration or moisture damage.
To learn more about Bermad certifications, visit our approvals page. You can be confident that we go beyond the benchmark for product capability and performance.
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