How Tos
- Lֺֺine Pressure Driven, Electrically Controlled On/Off
- Sֺֺmooth valve opening and closing
■ Accurate and stable regulation
■ Low operating pressure requirements - Pֺֺlastic Globe Hydro-Efficient Valve
■ Unobstructed flow path
■ Single moving part
■ High flow capacity
■ Highly durable, chemical and cavitation resistant - Uֺֺnitized Flexible Diaphragm and Guided Plug
■ Prevents diaphragm erosion and distortion - Fֺֺully Supported & Balanced Diaphragm
■ Requires low actuation pressure - Uֺֺser-Friendly Design
■ Simple in-line inspection and service
The Bermad 21T series solenoid valve is a non-metallic body two-way solenoid valve powered by a coil in either 12, 24 VAC/VDC or in DC latch. The valve is available in globe pattern or angle pattern and with or without manual flow stem for flow control. The valve body has an easily used three way tap to enable local opening, closing or auto function control switch.
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