COVID-19 response

We understand during these uncertain times that many people’s work and wide lives have been affected due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Here at Bermad, we’re committed to maintaining our high standards and taking extra precautions to ensure that our staff and customers are safe throughout this period.
While striving to maintain our usual operations, we’ve implemented processes to protect the health of every customer, supplier and member of our Bermad team—as well as our wider community.
These strategies include:
- Stringent hygiene practices in all areas of offices and factories, including mandatory screening and temperature checks for all persons on arrival.
- Daily cleaning of all items in the office and factory.
- Educational training as to how our employees can safeguard their health, and the health of those around them.
- Splitting lunch and meal times to minimise unnecessary person-to-person contact.
- Restricted access for couriers and other visitors.
- Practicing social distancing in accordance with recommendations from the Australian Government.
- Investing in improvements for the team to work remotely where possible.
- Numerous internal actions to restrict person-to-person exposure.
We hope that our customers and suppliers understand site visits cannot be conducted during this time, so we ask for your support and assistance to flatten the curve and limit the spread of COVID-19—both at Bermad and within the wider community.
You can help by:
- Adhering to any of our requirements during operations (such as social distancing) or notifying us in advance of any requirements or processes you are adopting.
- Avoiding Bermad facilities if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
- Using our live field support tool to get real-time technical support from the Bermad team through our video support portal.
We will continue to endeavour to protect our team, suppliers and customers throughout this challenging time while monitoring the latest information on COVID-19.
Stay tuned for updates from the team, and thank you for your support.