- Lֺֺine pressure driven, Hydraulically Controlled
- Protects downstream systems
- Opens fully upon line pressure drop
Dֺֺouble chamber
- Full powered opening and closing
- Decreased pressure loss
- Low throttling noise
- Non-slam closing characteristic
- Protected diaphragm
Eֺֺngineered Plastic Valve with Industrial Grade Design
hֺֺYflow ‘Y’ Valve Body with “Look Through” Design- Ultra-high flow capacity – Low pressure loss
Uֺֺser-Friendly Design
- Simple in-line inspection and service
The BERMAD Double Chamber Pressure Reducing Valve is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve that reduces higher upstream pressure to lower constant downstream pressure regardless of fluctuating demand, and opens fully upon line pressure drop. The double chamber feature makes the valve extremely responsive regardless of differential pressure.
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