BWT at Ozwater Sydney in May 2017

Ozwater is the Australian Water Association’s annual water conference and trade exhibition. It’s a premier event for thousands of water and industry professionals around Australia.
This year the trade show heads to Sydney from the 16th to the 18th of May.
Bermad will have both local and national representation of staff at the show. Our showcase will exhibit all our latest valves and metering products – and we hope to see you there to discuss the features and benefits of our 2017 range.
Brought to you by Bermad Training Academy
Bermad will be presenting two free workshops over the course of Ozwater. Each workshop is presented by our experienced and knowledgeable staff. The workshops contain a variety of product demonstrations and resources to help answer your questions on application design.
Surge Mitigation with Colin Kirkland
Water hammer and inadequate surge protection can result in corrosion, noise and pipe collapse.
Ensure that your pipeline is performing at its optimum by reducing entrapped air and exercising surge mitigation solutions.
This training session demonstrates innovative and cost effective solutions to minimise the effects of transient water hammer in pipeline networks.
Hydraulic lockout with Michael Jacobsen
Hydraulic lockout can lead to failure of the downstream pipeline system due to a valve’s inability to effectively control and respond to changes in pressure.
This training session will demonstrate how the Bermad 700 series hydraulic control valve retains control under a zero differential pressure hydraulic lock-out scenario.
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