A World-First Hydrogen Facility: From Hastings to Japan

In a world-first project, the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HSEC) will involve production of hydrogen in Latrobe Valley that will then be liquified at a new facility in Hastings and transported cross-sea to Japan.
In a pilot phase project estimated to make Victoria a world-leader in the hydrogen industry, our team have supplied the Hasting’s based Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain—estimated to be worth $1.8 trillion by 2050—with FP 400E-2m model Classic Deluge Valves.
Through a local supply chain, Bermad Water Technologies provided deluge valves to control the flow of firewater for the pilot project, projected to be complete by 2021.
This pilot phase will establish a fully integrated supply chain between Australia and Japan by 2021, with thanks to HESC partner Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI). Kawasaki Heavy Industries is a Japanese technological enterprise with over a century of experience in research, innovation and development across a variety of energy and transportation industries.
A world-leader in energy efficiency
This is the first initiative to move high quantities of hydrogen through open water. The project will see the export industry boost local economic business, while providing a clean energy force for the future.
The Hydro Energy Supply Chain will look to achieve an integrated commercial-scale hydrogen supply chain that incorporates production, transportation and storage of hydrogen in a purpose-built liquefied hydrogen carrier.
In describing the project, Mr. Shigeru Murayama, Chairman for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, said:
“This new facility at Western Port is the foundation of a new and exciting hydrogen export industry for Australia. Delivering clean hydrogen for the benefit of our environment is a goal we look forward to achieving.”
In 2030, after the completion of initial pilot phase and following necessary regulatory approvals, social license to operate and hydrogen demand, the commercial phase will look to begin operations.
400E-2m model Classic Deluge Valves feature throughout the Hastings-based facility.
Bermad’s support during the pilot phase
Bermad Water Technologies provided the deluge valves for the project’s pilot-phase facility in Hastings, through our local supply chain. UL listed for fire Approval and featuring explosion-proof solenoids, the 100mm, FP 400E-2M Classic Deluge Valves are electrically controlled and help maintain the flow of firewater and foam solution from the deluge system in the event of a fire.
Learn more about the important role Bermad Deluge Valves play to prevent fire from spreading throughout buildings:
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